The Wedding Secret: The Tale of the Royal Bridegroom
THE ROYAL WEDDING ceremony was over. At last the princess was alone with her bridegroom. Her red silk veil that covered her face was so thick that during the wedding ceremony, she could hardly make out the shadows of her bridegroom and the guests. Now she could see only the shadow of her husband, pacing back and forth by the window. What was he really like? For these were the long-ago days in Japan, and in many other places, too, where a bride met her bridegroom for the first time on her wedding day.
Tradition called for the husband to raise her veil and to offer the first toast. Yet he continued to pace. She cleared her throat. He turned around and sighed. Then the shadow that was her husband came toward her and gently raised her veil. His face seemed kind, warm. She smiled and glanced at the wine glasses in front of them. “A toast?” she said.